eurotopia booksearch

This search supplements the printed eurotopia Directory. The hundreds of communities listed in the book are not presented online. This search will offer numbers of the pages on which the respective communities are listed in the book. We do present the complete entries of communities that we added to our database after the last edition of eurotopia was printed and who agreed to this presentation at Please note that these additional communities are not included in the search engine on this page.

Using "search item(s)" you can search in the following way:
apple horse (results containing apple or horse)
+apple +horse (results containing apple and horse)
apple -horse (results containing apple but not horse)
"apple horse" (results with this exact word order)
horse* (words that start with horse, e.g. horses, ...)
Using "Postal code starts with" you can search in a certain region.
Yes No

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